Aloha Wheelchair Accessible Swimming Pool

A few months ago I wrote an article about a private residential swimming pool that was wheelchair accessible. Well here is another example of a wheelchair accessible pool that is both functional and stylish. Designed by Aloha Home Builders of Eugene, Oregon, this swimming pool has a wheelchair ramp for access.

Cutting Edge
The ramp of this swimming pool runs down one side with a wide landing at the bottom. The open edge of the ramp has a curb to keep wheels from falling off the edge. All around the edge of the entire swimming pool is a raised bench. This keeps wheels from falling in where they’re not supposed to and also provides bench seating.

Turtle Power
The swimming pool has both a shallow and deep end. To help give a visual marker of the transition area are two turtles on the pool floor. Lights at both ends of the pool also give that awesome nighttime pool glow.

The owners of Aloha Home Builders specialize in accessible design and have succeeded with this swimming pool. They have also done some nice looking work on bathrooms, kitchens, and other rooms. To see more of their work visit their website at