Hang Tight | Stair Climbing Aid Concept

One of the common accessibility modifications I design for my job are stair lifts (stair glides). For many, they are an invaluable piece of equipment that makes different levels of a house accessible. But there are some who may want to keep walking up the stairs instead of sitting. This would help them keep their leg muscles in use and possibly prolong walking independence. For these people recent Irish Industrial Design graduate Mark Hegarty has designed Hang Tight. A stair climbing aid that supports people while they walk up the stairs.

Harness This
For the most part, Hang Tight is very similar to a stair lift. There’s still a track and a motorized unit that goes up and down the track. However instead of a chair there is a long pole with a harness attached at the end. This harness wraps around the chest and is secured with two buckles. Keeping the user supported and prevents them from falling down.

Hanging Tough
To go up and down the stairs, a handheld remote is used to move the pole and harness with the user. When going up the stairs, the user can have Hang Tight give a slight pull upwards or just have it be a safety backup from falling.

Hang Tight would be a nice alternative to stair lifts for those who wish to still walk up and down stairs but need a little help. People going through rehab could also use Hang Tight while they recover. To see more of Mark Hegarty’s portfolio visit this website.