PIC | Outdoor Wheelchair for Photographers

Where I live there is a local photographer who takes breathtaking photographs of nature from across the globe. He’s done work for National Geographic and has stores selling his work across the U.S. When taking these photographs I imagine there are times he has to trek across rugged or very uneven terrain. While most of us probably won’t be traveling to such exotic locals, many of us still like to get out in nature to take pictures. Unfortunately many nature areas are not always wheelchair accessible, especially off paved areas. Industrial designer Joseph Martinez of Los Angeles designed an outdoor wheelchair concept to help make the outdoors more accessible. His Honda (not actually Honda affiliated) Personal Interactive Cruiser (PIC) also has features that cater to the avidĀ or professional photographer.

PIC Input
While designing his PIC concept, Martinez consulted with photographer and wheelchair user Loren Worthington. Through Worthington, Martinez was able learn about both accessibility and photography needs. Worthington also has a blog about photography for people with disabilities at rollingfstop.blogspot.com.

Onto the wheelchair itself, which is actually more of a four wheeled scooter. The PIC can be divided into two parts with a front and rear half. The rear with two wheels and a seat mounted on top. The front with the other two wheels, controls, and storage. Then the two halves are connected with framework, hinges, and hydraulics.

PIC Features
Each wheel can move independently on their own which along with a gyro system allows travel over uneven terrain while keeping the seat level. Hydraulics connecting the two halves can be used to raise the seat up to an “eye level” position. Within the storage compartment is where the photography gadgets exist. An actuating arm can come out and connect to a camera for mounting purposes. Another camera can also be mounted in the very front to take HD Pro like pictures or video.
Another case of a concept design I would love to see made but probably won’t. As always though, you never know. Watch the video below to see an animation of the PIC. To see more of Joseph Martinez’s portfolio visit www.JosephMID.com.