
3D Printed ‘Bionic’ Ear

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Photo by Frank Wojciechowski
Photo by Frank Wojciechowski

Within the next few years the 3D printing revolution will be upon us. Soon business and private citizens will have 3D printers where they can print and make whatever their imagination can think of. Hopefully mostly for good and not malicious intentions. Although I’m pretty sure TLC will eventually have a show called Hoarders: 3D Printing Edition. But anyway the 3D printing era is upon us and some amazing things are being done with the technology. Things that were previously impossible to make are now being done. One thing that is being currently experimented on is a 3D printed ‘bionic’ ear by Princeton University.

Professors and students here utilized bio 3D printing technology to combine bionic material with electric technology. The printed ear is made of silicone, cells, and nano particles to create a cartilage like prosthetic. Within the printed ear is a coiled antenna that pics up sound. This antenna then leads to a helical piece that mimics the human cochlea.

Early Stages
Right now the ‘bionic’ ear is in the extremely early stages of experimentation and not close to human trials. Currently the antenna only pics up radio waves and converts them to sound. But there are plans to have the ear pic up sound waves.

Technology is fast moving forward an in time a fully functional bionic ear will come. That ear will also probably be superior to our own natural one. In fact the ‘bionic’ ear now can pick up frequencies not head by humans. For more information on the ‘bionic’ ear read this Princeton article and watch the video below.