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Universal design is a philosophy where the goal is to make environments and products accessible to all of those with and without disabilities. When the discussion of “form vs function” is applied to universal design, “function” always comes first. As it should. However too many times “form” seems lost when a final space or product is produced.

Right now there are many talented architects, interior designers, and product designers that bring “form” back to universal design. This blog is meant to bring those ideas together and be shared with the public. Ideas that can be applied and also inspire. My hope is that this website can make the world more accessible and beautiful.

About the Blogger

I am a Healthy Homes Specialist for a municipality. I help people keep their homes safe and healthy from dangers such as lead paint, mold, pests, radon, and building code violations. Before this job I was a designer for a non-profit Center for Independent Living. I designed home modifications for people with disabilities that were moderate to low income. I worked that job for over eight years and it was very rewarding.

I have a degree in Interior Architecture from Kansas State University. I am a full member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and a certified interior designer through the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ).

I do not have a disability myself but I have had disabilities be part of my life. My father was a military veteran who become disabled over the years due to life in the military and old age. Through him I learned both hardship and appreciation. My mother worked for over 15 years at a nursing home for veterans. Many times I visited the facility and made good friends with the residents whom I learned much from. Through my parents and those I have met with disabilities, I have gained knowledge, respect, and appreciation.