ADA Focus

ADA Focus: Exercise Machines and Equipment

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20110420-RD-LSC-0280 - Flickr - USDAgov

By U.S. Department of Agriculture (20110420-RD-LSC-0280) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

236 Exercise Machines and Equipment

236.1 General. At least one of each type of exercise machine and equipment shall comply with 1004.

Advisory 236.1 General. Most strength training equipment and machines are considered different types. Where operators provide a biceps curl machine and cable-cross-over machine, both machines are required to meet the provisions in this section, even though an individual may be able to work on their biceps through both types of equipment.

Similarly, there are many types of cardiovascular exercise machines, such as stationary bicycles, rowing machines, stair climbers, and treadmills. Each machine provides a cardiovascular exercise and is considered a different type for purposes of these requirements.

1004 Exercise Machines and Equipment

1004.1 Clear Floor Space. Exercise machines and equipment shall have a clear floor space complying with 305 positioned for transfer or for use by an individual seated in a wheelchair. Clear floor or ground spaces required at exercise machines and equipment shall be permitted to overlap.

Advisory 1004.1 Clear Floor Space. One clear floor or ground space is permitted to be shared between two pieces of exercise equipment. To optimize space use, designers should carefully consider layout options such as connecting ends of the row and center aisle spaces. The position of the clear floor space may vary greatly depending on the use of the equipment or machine. For example, to provide access to a shoulder press machine, clear floor space next to the seat would be appropriate to allow for transfer. Clear floor space for a bench press machine designed for use by an individual seated in a wheelchair, however, will most likely be centered on the operating mechanisms.