ADA Focus

ADA Focus: Golf Facilities (Scoping Requirements)

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Golf course, Italy - 20070620
By Andrea Pacelli. [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

238 Golf Facilities

238.1 General. Golf facilities shall comply with 238.

238.2 Golf Courses. Golf courses shall comply with 238.2.

238.2.1 Teeing Grounds. Where one teeing ground is provided for a hole, the teeing ground shall be designed and constructed so that a golf car can enter and exit the teeing ground. Where two teeing grounds are provided for a hole, the forward teeing ground shall be designed and constructed so that a golf car can enter and exit the teeing ground. Where three or more teeing grounds are provided for a hole, at least two teeing grounds, including the forward teeing ground, shall be designed and constructed so that a golf car can enter and exit each teeing ground.

EXCEPTION: In existing golf courses, the forward teeing ground shall not be required to be one of the teeing grounds on a hole designed and constructed so that a golf car can enter and exit the teeing ground where compliance is not feasible due to terrain.

238.2.2 Putting Greens. Putting greens shall be designed and constructed so that a golf car can enter and exit the putting green.

238.2.3 Weather Shelters. Where provided, weather shelters shall be designed and constructed so that a golf car can enter and exit the weather shelter and shall comply with 1006.4.

238.3 Practice Putting Greens, Practice Teeing Grounds, and Teeing Stations at Driving Ranges. At least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of practice putting greens, practice teeing grounds, and teeing stations at driving ranges shall be designed and constructed so that a golf car can enter and exit the practice putting greens, practice teeing grounds, and teeing stations at driving ranges.