Air Access | Airplane Wheelchair Seating Concept

Nowadays a trip to the airport and a ride on an airplane can be tedious. There are the long lines, crowds, and multiple security checks. For wheelchair users this process can be even more tedious because of added steps getting on and off the airplane. Currently a wheelchair user will usually transfer onto a special airplane wheelchair or patient (Hoyer) lift. Then taken to their seat with the help of airline staff where the passenger again transfers to their seat. British transportation design company, Priestmangoode, has designed a new airplane wheelchair called Air Access, that can streamline the process.
Two In One
The Air Access combines an airplane wheelchair with fixed seating in a process that limits the number of transfers. First the passenger transfers onto the Air Access airplane wheelchair. They’re then moved down the aisle by airline staff next to their seat. The seat is a fixed frame that connects with the airplane wheelchair.

All Aboard
The airplane seat slides into and connects with the fixed seat frame. Once locked in, the footrest can slide underneath the seat and a flap comes down to cover the wheels. If need be, the seat pad can be removed if the passenger has their own they wish to use. During flights the Air Access airplane wheelchair can be unlocked for restroom use also. If there are no wheelchair using passengers, then the Air Access can be locked in and used as a standard seat.

By limiting the number of transfers before, during, and after a flight, the Air Access can make air travel by wheelchair less tedious. With the fact that Priestmangoode is an actual transportation manufacturer, there is a better chance this design can go beyond concept. To see more of the Air Access and learn more about Priestmangoode visit
Air Access from Priestmangoode on Vimeo.