Antioniolupi Luxury Showers and Bathtubs with Accessiblity

If you’re someone with a design taste that lean towards modern and minimalist, then these luxury showers and bathtubs by Italian company Antoniolupi are for you. You’ll also probably need to have very very deep pockets to have one of these installed in your home. For the rest of us, they’re still beautiful to look at and be inspired. While these showers and bathtubs are not specifically made for accessibility, they do have accessible features. With the right design, they can be made even more accessible.

What makes the showers mostly accessible is their low or zero thresholds. Which makes them roll-in. What makes them not quite fully accessible are the shower doors and openings. First you have the door swing to deal with and the openings would be more accessible if they were wider. The shower floor is perfectly level by using slats that allow the water to go below. This way the slopes to the drain are hidden below. Optional is a simple wall mounted fold down seat. On the wall is a hand held shower that works in conjunction with the overhead shower.

Some of the walls are made of glass which can then be customized with different designs. If you’re not the shy type, you can also just keep the clear glass look. Although many of the designs still leave a lot of clear glass to see through. Designs on the side can have an etched frosted look or have colors. The look can be pictures or patterns. Pictured above is an Adam and Eve design and a one with a plants and textured look.

Here we have shower walls with more of a pattern design and colors. Again with the size of these showers, a wider opening would be more accessible for a shower wheelchair.

This bathroom is nice looking one with a hanging light fixture that looks a lot like a disco ball! Along with the low threshold shower, I wanted to point out the sinks. They’re also made by Antoniolupi and can potentially be accessible. Because they’re wall mounted and deep, they can be roll-under if installed at the right height.

Antoniolupi also makes many different kinds of bathtubs. Some of which can be installed directly into the floor. For the right person, this could be accessible since there’s no stepping over the side. If a wheelchair user has good upper body strength and can transfer from the floor to their chair, there’s potential. Some sort of grab bar, pole, or trapeze bar would probably be required for entry and exit. Since the bathtub is in the floor, the floor around would have to be raised or the ceiling below lowered. Lowing the ceiling below would be the accessible choice.

Antoniolupi makes many more bathroom fixtures such as toilets, sinks, and faucets. To see much more of their extensive product line, visit their website