Bad Design Style

Bad Design Style: Case #15

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HOLY RAMP, BATMAN! Now that’s a ramp of super sized proportions. However this is not as clear a cut case of bad design. This ramp is located at Brackley Beach in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Yes the ramp is extremely long and very high, but this may have been the only option given the logistics.

The ramp appears to be close to a 1:12 slope though maybe a little steeper. There are periodic landing which is good because you’ll need some rest going up this ramp in a manual wheelchair. Obviously an elevator of some sort would be better but the construction costs would be expensive along with the maintenance costs. Especially being on the beach, the salt water would do a lot of damage to the mechanics. I’m not familiar with the beach myself but if there is a location with a shorter height distance, that would also be better. Of course a shorter height location might be far away from existing structures and parking. So at least there’s ramp, but wish it was better.