Bad Design Style

Bad Design Style: Case #37

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Good intentions are always appreciated, however they’re better if done properly. This is a ramp that was put in at the entrance of an organization in the United Kingdom, however it’s not the most accessible or durable ramp in the world.

Slope wise there is nothing wrong here and a wheelchair could very well get in and out. However there is no edge protection to prevent accidental drop offs, especially at the turn. Speaking of the turn, it looks to be a little small which makes turning a little precarious. The board at the bottom of the ramp doesn’t make things easier and will be a bit of a challenge to get over. A metal plate surface at the bottom of the ramp would work better.

Another potential problem with this ramp is durability. I can’t say for sure but I don’t think the wood is pressure treated. So being exposed to the elements it could warp and bend over time.

Given that this ramp appears to be on a public sidewalk, they might not have been able to make the landing any bigger without blocking other pedestrian traffic. In which case I would at least add some edge protection and add some water sealant to the wood to help protect it from the elements. Then make the bottom of the ramp a smoother transition.