Bad Design Style

Bad Design Style: Case #51

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Image: Never Been There, Never Done That "
Image: Never Been There, Never Done That

When traveling abroad, finding wheelchair accessible routes and facilities can be an adventure on its own. Not every country has the luxury of ADA or other accessibility building codes. Sure there are many examples of ADA violations in the U.S. but we’re still light-years ahead of other places around the globe. Here’s an example by Canadian travel blogger Heidi Hunter who is currently in Mexico.

Most of the Heidi’s pictures and words are about the new and wonderful places she is experiencing. But there was also this incredibly steep ramp between two sets of stairways. As Heidi calls it “the wheelchair ramp of death”! Dramatic title but she also mentions how when walking up the ramp you’re only using your tiptoes. Unless you have incredibly flexible calf muscles.

Image: Never Been There, Never Done That "
Image: Never Been There, Never Done That

If you would like to follow more of Heidi Hunter’s travels beyond inaccessible wheelchair ramps visit