Bad Design Style: Case #54

When looking for a wheelchair accessible house, ranch style homes are considered favorable because they are one level houses. However you may also need to consider the surrounding ground on which the house is sitting on. Because maybe the house is one level, but getting there might prove a challenge. Like this monstrosity of a steep driveway. Obviously going up and down this driveway in a wheelchair is out of the question. But even using a vehicle is highly questionable.

I mean just look at the pictures. This is utterly ridiculous. Checking the mail would involve always getting in the vehicle or investing in climbing gear! Plus you risk damaging your vehicle’s bumper or underside.

These photos come from house built a few years ago in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Apparently at the time there was no code requirement for driveway slope, but you’d think the builders would realize this could (ahem) drive away buyers. The driveways were eventually re-poured at a lower slope but they’re still pretty steep. Lucky not much snow and ice reaches Arkansas otherwise there’d be even more added danger. So remember to look at all aspects of a home inside and out before determining its accessibility.