New TechVisual Impairments

Bio-Retina | Microchip Eye Implant

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Instant Eye (Kevin Hart) Via {a href=”” target=”_blank”}Popular Science{/a}

Loss of vision is something most of us will experience to different degrees and different times in our lives. Most of us gradually lose vision as we age while others will experience loss due to genetics, disease, or injury. Work is constantly being done to find a way to prevent or cure blindness. Microchip eye implant technology has been one way and advancement is moving along. Nano Retina is one of those companies working on this technology and they hope to do clinical trials by 2013.

Oh Eye See
Nano Retina’s microchip implant is called Bio-Retina. Alright so now for the layman explanation of this high tech bio-technology. The microchip is tiny and about the size of a flattened pencil eraser. During a fairly quick 30 minute operation, the microchip is implanted inside the back of the eye. Immediately Bio-Retina begins interacting with the eye neurons. Bio-Retina takes in light and images and transmits them to the neurons. Which then transmit the signals to the brain. The brain then translates these signals into images.The video below shows an animated version of the procedure and tells more about how Bio-Retina works.

After Implantation
Once inside the eye, Bio-Retina works with normal eye functions. No problems with dilation or eye movement. A pair of glasses with a mini-laser powers the microchip wirelessly. The first Bio-Retina implants will have 600 pixel resolution while the second generation will have 5,000 pixels. Will be like the difference between the graphics of the original Nintendo and the Wii.

Nano Retina
Image: {a href=”” target=”_blank”}Nano Retina{/a}

Technology is quite amazing and we are moving more and more towards having it become part of our bodies. Before we worry too much about dangerous sci-fi possibilities, let’s be appreciative of the help this technology can bring now. For more information on Nano Retina and Bio-Retina visit