Concept DesignsVisual Impairments

Braille Tabs for Electrical Cord Plugs

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Image: Chen Shuwen via {a href=”” target=”_blank”}Tuvie{/a}

Most of the concept design that I feature are of products that would be difficult to build due costs or limits on existing technology. Here is one that almost anyone would be able to make and really would be useful to people beyond it’s target consumer. This Red Dot Award winning concept is a time saving braille tag for electrical cord plugs.

I’ll admit that underneath my computer desk and behind my entertainment center is an entanglement of cords and plugs. Finding the source of the plug can be a bit of a task. People who are blind would find the plug source just the same as anyone else by following the cord all the way up. Although a tag with braille and raised imagesĀ  and text would help speed up the process.

Tab It
Chen’s design is made of thick and stiff fabric like possibly leather. On one side of the tab would be braille while the other side would have a raised icon and text. The tab itself would come together with velcro.

Image: Chen Shuwen via {a href=”” target=”_blank”}Tuvie{/a}

Other Users and Conclusion
Now this concept is so simple just about anyone could make one themselves. My friend and coworker who is blind has a braille label making device. He could easily make a tab himself and then attach the braille label. This concept would also be very helpful to those with sight. A tab with an icon would definitely help me identify the correct plug quicker. For more on Chen Shuwen’s concept design, visit this site.