Concept DesignsMobility

Buen Rumbo | Youth Oriented Wheelchair Concept

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Buen Rumbo Wheelchair
Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Diana Amaya{/a}

Remember the multi-colored original iMacs and iPods by Apple? They were fun, lighthearted, and grabbed your attention. Especially the attention of the youth market which gravitated towards the style. I’ll admit that I even had a strawberry colored iMac back in college (strawberry because red is the color of my favorite sports team). Well that candy colored concept still works for many and Mexican industrial designer Diana Amaya has applied the colors to her youth oriented Buen Rumbo wheelchair concept.

Buen Rumbo Wheelchair
Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Diana Amaya{/a}

She’s Got The Look
Amaya designed the Buen Rumbo to be an electric wheelchair that would appeal to younger wheelchair users. To do this the wheelchair comes in bright colors that include yellow, peach, red, magenta, light blue, and lime green. The exterior cover is made from plastic with classic car like curves that cover the upper half of the wheels. Overall the look is very soft, fun, and colorful.

Buen Rumbo Wheelchair
Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Diana Amaya{/a}

Controls and Wheels
The controls are not specifically explained but are probably under the flap on the right side panel. Instead of two smaller wheels in the front, they’re placed at the back of the wheelchair. Which gives a cleaner look to the front and actually gives the illusion that Buen Rumbo has only two wheels.

Buen Rumbo Wheelchair
Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Diana Amaya{/a}

While the mechanics of making a real life Buen Rumbo would take some work, these are fun looking wheelchairs. Just need to find that perfect fun to function balance. To see more of Diana Amaya’s portfolio, visit this website.

Buen Rumbo Wheelchair
Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Diana Amaya{/a}