Child Friendly Glucose Meter

In continuing the theme of child related articles this week, here is child friendly glucose meter. The glucose meter itself works just like any other, but with a little kid friendly design. On the needle end is the head of dragon like creature. Called the Blood Buddy, this glucose meter concept was designed by Hannah Warren.

Too Scary?
Alright so the idea of sticking your finger inside the mouth of a monster and getting pricked maybe scary to some children. But if we learned anything from Monsters Inc, maybe not. Instead parents should use creativity when using the Blood Buddy. Something like the monster must give a little bite to help the child stay healthy. Or in order to defeat the monster, the child must let the monster bite them. Remember that a child’s imagination is powerful and believable to them.

Sugar and Spice
Granted the monster design might be too scary for a child no matter what. In which case other more happy designs might work. Rainbows, unicorns, snails, and puppy dog tails and such. Whatever makes the glucose meter experience a positive one for children.

Source: Yanko Design