Concept DesignsMobilityVisual Impairments

Concave and Illuminated Door Lock

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Concave Lock
Image: {a href=”” target=”_blank”}Tuvie{/a}

Most of us have experienced frustration when trying to get a door lock open at one time or another. Sometimes our hands are full and we keep missing the keyhole. Other times the darkness of night makes the experience a pin the tail on the donkey game. These type of frustrations can be commonplace for people with muscle control difficulties or visual impairments. A possible solution is the Red Dot Award winning Concave Lock concept by Poh Liang Hock.

Best of Both Worlds
The Concave Lock is somewhat of a combination of a cylinder door handle with a lever door handle. Laying flush to the door is the cylinder portion with a deep concave shape. An illuminated fluorescent material sits on the outside edge of the cylinder. Then the lever is attached to the cylinder.

A Bigger & Brighter Target
Most cylinder door handles on the market do have a concave shape to them but the Concave Lock has a much deeper curve. This makes for a bigger target when trying to get the key into the hole. Potentially helping people who have difficulty keeping arm or hand muscles steady. The illuminated ring helps locate the lock in dark situations. Working similar to the illuminated key ignition holes in some cars. Helping people who have visual impairments find the door lock faster.

Concave Lock
Image: {a href=”” target=”_blank”}Tuvie{/a}

Concave Lock is a simple design that improves upon both cylinder and lever door handles. For more on the Concave Lock visit this website.