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EVOline | Accessible Electrical Outlets

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Image: EVOline
Image: EVOline

One of the most overlooked aspects of accessible and universal design is the location of electrical outlets. Many times they’re too low to the ground, too high, or hard to reach from a counter. Having outlets in locations that don’t require much reaching or bending over can make things easier. At the workplace we now use so many pieces of technology that need to be plugged in. With mobile devices we will plug and unplug these devices multiple times a day. Which makes accessibility all the more important. Many furniture systems have plugs built into their office furniture that’s accessible. Here’s another example by EVOline of Norway with their line of accessible electrical outlets.

EVOline has a series of different products that make outlets accessible. Choosing which one depends on how you work, how hidden you want the outlets, and portability. Beyond electrical plugs, EVOline’s products can also handle USB plugs, DVI connection, ethernet, and more.

Image: EVOline
Image: EVOline

The Two Towers
Both the Caddy and Port models utilize outlet towers that are hidden under the work surface. Being brought out when needed. The Caddy model is a portable one that can be moved about where needed.

Image: EVOline

Image: EVOline
Image: EVOline

Flip Me Up
The FlipTop is just that, an outlet strip that can flip out from the work surface. An open slot allows wires to go through the table while plugged in. Giving a place to plug without taking up much surface area.

Image: EVOline
Image: EVOline

On Top
If hiding the outlets is not an issue, then the T-Dock might be the solution. Here the outlet box sticks out from the surface on a pole that can swivel. Good for where there is a lot of plugging an unplugging going on.

Image: EVOline
Image: EVOline

So in an ever more plugged in world, electrical outlets should not be forgotten when it comes to universal design. EVOline offers a nice variety of products to do so. To see more of their line visit