Eyejusters | Self Adjustable Glasses

When new technology comes out, we expect the product to be very high tech and complicated. Rarely is new technology so simple that we all wonder why it wasn’t invented sooner. Which is the case with these adjustable eyeglasses from British company Eyejusters. A product that is also helping developing countries get access eyeglasses.

All In One
As many of us know, getting prescription eyeglasses is not a low cost endeavor. Payment is needed for the eye exam, then the frames, and finally the lenses. Eyejusters combine all three into on set of glasses. Letting people who do not have access to an eye doctor the ability to be their optometrist. All at a low cost.

Two Lenses Make One
The heart of what makes Eyejusters adjustable is their SlideLens technology. Two wavy lenses are places next to each other as shown in the picture below. A knob on the frame is turned to slide the lenses across each other. This changes the thickness and curve of their overall shape. Using an included eye chart, the wearer turns the knob until they can see the chart clearly. Two versions of Eyejusters are available for near and far sightedness.

Like Any Other
In the way of looks, Eyejusters look very much like typical eyeglasses and can come in multiple colors. The knob can also be removed but put back when an adjustment is needed. By looking like standard eyeglasses, acceptance is increased.

Adspecs is another version of self adjustable eyeglasses that has been around for a few years and has helped developing nations with low cost eyeglasses. This version uses oil between two lenses. The oil is added or removed with syringes to change the overall lens shape. However once the shape is set, it can’t be changed. Adspecs’s current look is also very Coke bottle-esque. However at $19, they’re cheaper than the $40 Eyejusters. Greater power range is also an advantage for Adspecs.

Either way both adjustable eyeglasses are doing good for the world. Not only for developing countries, but also for low income patients. For more information on Eyejusters or to order a pair, visit their website at www.Eyejusters.com.