Concept DesignsMobility

Garden Watering Made Easy with Ely-Can

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Image: Diane Dupire

Having and maintaining a garden is something that doesn’t need to be lost when having a disability. Accessible pathways and raised garden beds are ways that can make for an accessible garden. If a garden hose is nearby, watering is simple and an accessible task. No garden hose nearby? Then a watering can may be necessary. Which can mean lugging a heavy watering can or awkwardly carrying one in your lap if using a wheelchair. A concept design by Diane Dupire makes watering potentially easier with the Ely-Can. A rolling watering can with an extended and grippable spout.

Image: Diane Dupire via {a href="" target="_blank"}Yanko Design{/a}

The main body of the Ely-Can looks like a large canteen with sides that act as wheels. Coming out of the body is a long spout that was inspired by the look and function of an elephant’s trunk. A tactile grip at the end of the spout acts as a handle to pull the Ely-Can around. Built into the body is another handle to lift the Ely-Can when watering. Between the spout and built in handle is the hole to put water in.

Image: Diane Dupire via {a href="" target="_blank"}Yanko Design{/a}

Being able to pull the Ely-Can has the potential to make the trek easier for those who have lower strength or walk slowly. Wheelchair users could pull the watering can along side them or maybe hook it up to their wheelchair and pull it like a trailer. Water weight can still be an issue and the Ely-Can would work best on a level surface.

Image: Diane Dupire

Overall the concept is very nice and has potential. Though there are a couple areas where I might features to increase accessibility. Lifting is still needed to do the watering part and water can still be heavy. Adding an optional fulcrum at the base of the spout can make this motion easier. Would be like strapping a watering can to one end of a seesaw. Another helpful feature would be a loop handle at the end of the spout. This would allow pulling the Ely-Can in a way that is more comfortable on the wrist. Still this is a neat concept with potential.

Image: Diane Dupire via {a href="" target="_blank"}Yanko Design{/a}