
Gerald Ford Birthsite Wheelchair Ramp

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A fact that very few people know is that former President Gerald Ford was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He didn’t stay there long but the location where he spent time as a baby was turned into a memorial after he became president. The Gerald R. Ford Birthsite has beautiful gardens and landscaping on its grounds and is a very popular place for outdoor weddings. Recently the memorial had some renovation work done which included this new wheelchair ramp.

Blending In
The existing site had lots of brickwork incorporated into the overall design. This is continued with new ramp sidewalls. Blending in with the existing design. Also helping with the blending in are the gardens. Plants and vegetation surround the sides of the ramp so that you almost can’t see it at certain angles. The black color of the handrails help keep them from being visually distracting.

Size and slope wise this ramp meets all of the ADA requirements. There’s that little change in direction at the bottom of the ramp. But it’s not too sharp of a turn and the ramp is pretty wide so it shouldn’t be a problem. Looks wise this ramp blends in perfectly with the existing design. A great accessible addition to a beautiful place.