Half Dose | Easy To Split Pill

Inevitably at some point we all have to take pills for medication. Sometimes the instructions for that medication involve splitting the pill in half. For many of us this process can be a little tedious but doable. However for others who have arthritis or other conditions that make hand use difficult, splitting a pill can be a real pain. Sure there are devices that can help split a pill, but they usually involve picking up and placing the pill in the device to be cut. But what if you could spit a pill accurately with just a push while it’s still in it’s package. That’s what product designer Venkat Rao did with his Half Dose design. A Red Dot Award winning easy to split pill.

Just Push
Half Dose is a surprisingly simple design that involves simple physics. The pill is shaped like other pills except that the center is really thin and arch shaped. This becomes the weak point. A simple push of a finger or other object in hand can then snap this weak point in two. Leaving two equally sized halves of the pill.

Besides ease of use, another benefit is of Half Dose is hygiene. This is because the pill can be split in half without being touched with bare fingers. Reducing the risk of contamination. A possible benefit when medical staff or caretakers are giving medication.
Currently Half Dose is patent pending and will hopefully be incorporated someday. To see more of Venkat Rao’s portfolio visit mailvenky.wix.com/portfolio#! where you can also see a video of a Half Dose prototype in action.