
Heart of the Home | Futuristic Kitchen Concept

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Electrolux Heart of the Home
Image: {a href=”” target=”_blank”}Electrolux{/a}

So it’s the year 2050 and you’re looking to remodel your kitchen. You want something that has lots of flexibility, looks great, and is accessible. Let’s also say you don’t want to invest in a lot of pots and pans or don’t have the storage. Well then you might be purchasing the Heart of the Home. A futuristic kitchen concept by Electrolux.

In the Year 2050
Heart of the Home was designed based on presumptions on what technology and society will be like in the year 2050. Technology is based upon current designs with some big improvements. Society is moving more towards urban areas with bigger populations and small spaces. Thus space efficiency in our living spaces and products will be a must.

Electrolux Heart of the Home
Image: {a href=”” target=”_blank”}Electrolux{/a}

The Parts
When thinking of Heart of the Home, think of a do it all kitchen island. The shape is an elongated irregular shape with a central mount. The mount looks like the base of a tree and branches out at the top. A glowing light called “energy flow” comes from the mount. On top is a work surface, sink with tap, and an amorphous cooking surface. Overall height can be adjusted to fit the user’s need.

Electrolux Heart of the Home
Image: {a href=”” target=”_blank”}Electrolux{/a}

Don’t know what an amorphous cooking surface is? Well that’s because this is the very futuristic part of Heart of the Home. So let’s say you have some ingredients for a meal but don’t know what to make. Place these items onto the amorphous surface and it will recognize what the ingredients are. Then you pick which ingredients you want to use and a series of pictured recipes will appear. Choose the one you want and begin cooking.

Electrolux Heart of the Home
Image: {a href=”” target=”_blank”}Electrolux{/a}

Make Your Own Pots and Pans
With cooking there is no need for pots and pans. Just make some circles then push or pull to make pots and pans out of the surface itself. Heating controls will automatically appear and you can move everything around the surface. This makes having to lug out pots and pans from storage and onto the cooktop a thing of the past. Controls are accessible because you control where they are. Seeing what’s being cooked will be easier from a wheelchair perspective because the pans are in the surface instead of on top.

Heart of the Home is an amazing kitchen concept that I would love to see in 40 years and hopefully less. The roll under surface, adjustable height, and amorphous cooking surface all make for an accessible kitchen. Watch the video to be amazed and visit the website here for more information.