
High End Wheelchair Accessible Apartment in New York

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When the thought of a New York apartment comes to mind, two images usually come to mind. Either a cramped tiny space, or a nice roomy one like in Friends or Seinfeld. Well the look of this New York apartment blows those images out of the water. This high end wheelchair accessible apartment by Edward I. Mills & Associates looks spectacular.
This Place is Huge
First to note is the shear amount of space and room in the apartment. Just look at the width of the hallway in the top picture. Plenty of space for a wheelchair to move and turn around with no problem at all. The hard terrazzo flooring also gives a nice wheelchair surface and nice look.
Automatic Accessibility
Another accessible feature throughout the apartment is automated voice controls. The doors, lighting, and HVAC are all controlled by being verbally told what to do. Hands free, futuristic, and very cool. Unassuming roll-under spaces can be found in different rooms like the ones pictured above and below.
Find The Accessible Features
There wasn’t a better picture of the very modern looking kitchen but you can still pick out a few accessible characteristics. First is again the size of the space. Space between the cabinets is wide and allows easy wheelchair maneuvering. In the way back on the left is another roll-under surface with what looks like a second sink. Appliances are built into the wall on the right side at wheelchair height accessibility. Finally the big gas range has controls at the front so there’s no reaching over the burners.
On Track
In the master bedroom is a ceiling mounted patient lift with track that leads to the bathroom. From the picture you can see how the lift would pick up from the bed, then do a U-turn towards the bathroom.
A very spacious apartment with many accessible features that are hidden. From the pictures it’s like a luxury apartment and art museum collided to make something wonderful. To see more of Edward I. Mills & Associates work visit