Intercom System for Deaf and Hard of Hearing by Siedle

Many businesses, apartments, and some homes utilize intercom systems at their entrances for security purposes. However the majority of these intercom systems are audibly based and not fully accessible to those who are deaf or hard of hearing. One intercom system that could help solve this problem is the Status Display by Siedle.

Four Square
Working in conjunction with one of their other intercom systems, Status Display is a panel that visually communicates to the user. The panel is divided into four quadrants with a symbol in each one. A bell, key, lips, and lips with a strike through it.

Light Up
When the bell symbol lights up, that means someone has rung the buzzer. If the lips symbol lights up then verbal two-way communication can be done. The key symbol lighting up means the latch has been released and the door can be opened. Finally the lips with the strike means that no communication has been established.

See Who’s There
Now if the buzzer has rung but the user wants to see who’s there, Siedle has a solution for that also. A system with a camera can be installed that can then communicate with an iPhone or iPad via an app. With the camera and app, the mystery of who’s at the door is solved. The app can also be a whole house control where the user can turn on/off lights and open/closer other doors.

Although Status Display was designed with people who are deaf or hard of hearing in mind, the system can be helpful for many others. Giving a visual cue to what is going on. Used in conjunction with the camera and app, the system can be a useful product for the deaf and hard of hearing. For more information on Status Display visit this link. For information on the app visit this link.