Krabat Sheriff Children’s Wheelchair

One of the great additions to the newly enacted 2010 ADA design guidelines is the inclusion of measurements for children such as reach ranges. Children have disabilities also and are generally smaller so they have different requirements. Adaptive equipment can also be made to work with children as their bodies continue to develop. Norwegian company Krabat specializes in this field with their adaptive equipment made specifically for children. One product they have is this indoor children’s wheelchair called the Krabat Sheriff.

Saddle Up
The Krabat Sheriff is the same as other standard manual wheelchairs in that it has a seat, footrest, and large wheels on the sides. However there are some variances that make this wheelchair different and adaptive. Most noticeably is the seat which is saddle style. The idea is that a saddle seat keeps the lower body centered and more stable. Preventing sliding and shifting and keeping the upper body more focused.

Easy To Maneuver
Along with the wheelchair being lightweight, the wheels are cambered (the tops of the wheels tilt in) to make movement stable yet nimble. There’s also an optional attachment to allow control with only one arm. Instead of two smaller wheels in the front, there’s one small wheel in the front and one in the back. This gives the wheelchair a stable base and helps with turning. Below the front of the seat is the brake which can easily be engaged with one hand.

Children’s bodies change as they age and their needs can change. To accommodate some of this the Krabat Sheriff can adapt to different positions. The seat, seat back, and footrest can all be repositioned to fit what is best for the child.

For children who are wheelchair users and can maneuver a manual one, the Krabat Sheriff can be a helpful addition. Giving children an easy to operate wheelchair that can adapt as their needs change. To see more of the Krabat Sheriff and Krabat’s other products visit
Brukervideo Krabat Sheriff from Fredrik Brodtkorb on Vimeo.