Leverus | Extra Length Door Lever

Now that’s a door lever! At 11.8 inches long, the Leverus door lever concept design by the Art Lebedev Studio is a lengthy one. Standard door levers are only about 5-6 inches in length. Door levers have been a part of universal design because of their advantages over door knobs. They require no gripping and can be operated by people who have difficulty grasping their hands. An even longer door lever could add some more advantages.

Of course with a longer lever, there are more places to grip. But a person could also use their forearm to open Leverus by running their arm along the length of the door lever. An option for people who no hand use but still can move their arms well enough to do this motion.

A Bigger Arc
Now there is a drawback when you make a lever longer. If you grip at the end of the lever, your hand has to travel a greater distance to open the latch. A distance that could be inconvenient for some.

To make this lever better for accessibility purposes, I would make just a couple minor changes. A hooked end would help to keep hands from slipping off the end. Also adding some perpendicular pieces to keep the hand from sliding down the handle would create some designated grasping spots. Otherwise this a sleek looking concept design that has the potential to be an accessible product for some. To see more of Art Lebedev Studio’s designs and products visit www.ArtLebedev.com.