Miscea | Touch Free Faucet

As I’ve stated before in previous articles, one of the standard design features for an accessible sink is an accessible faucet. Meaning one that can be controlled easily with one fist. So no knobs that require grasping or gripping. Single lever faucets are ideal though dual levers also work. Touch and touch free faucets are other options. All of these solutions allow a person who has difficulty using their hands an easier time using a faucet. Another solution now available is the Miscea. A touch free faucet with sensors that can activate water flow, temperature control, along with soap and disinfectant dispensers.

Collar of Power
Miscea begins with just a faucet spout. At the top end is a circular translucent collar and a temperature indicator screen at the center. Marked around the collar are the controls: Water, + (hot water), – (cold water), Soap, and Disinfect. Color coded LED lights behind each control light up upon activation.

Getting Into The Flow
To get the water flowing, simply place your hand below the faucet like other touch free faucets. Once the the hand is removed the water automatically shuts off. Temperature control is done by positioning your hand behind the + or – symbols. The center screen then lets you know how hot or cold the water is getting. If you want the water to flow continuously, simply position your hands behind both the + and – controls at the same time. Temperature control can then be done as before if needed.

All In One
Instead of having to pump out soap from a separate dispenser or bar, Miscea can do this touch free in one place. The hand is positioned behind the soap control, then a predetermined amount of soap is dispensed. The same motions are done for the disinfectant control. Both the soap and disinfectant come from vacuum sealed bags that can be mounted below the sink or above. Miscea offers a variety of soaps, disinfectants, and lotions that can be dispensed.

Miscea markets their faucet as a hygienic, water saving, and easy to use faucet. Hygienic because there is less touching of handles, levers, and pumps. (Some touch faucets were found to have more bacteria in them because of the many tiny moving parts they could hide and grow in. This may or may not be the case for Miscea.) Water saving because the water is only on when the hands are underneath. Easy to use because only hand motions are needed to operate it. Plus this faucet looks cool and sleek. For more information on Miscea visit www.miscea.com and watch the videos below.