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Ode | Scent Based Reminder for People with Dementia

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Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Ode{/a}

The sense of smell is powerful when it comes to memories. We’ve all had moments where a smell brought back memories of a specific time, place, or person. Harnessing the power of this sense can be particularly useful for people with dementia. While dementia affects people differently, a common trait is memory loss. Some people with memory loss will forget to eat their meals which can lead to further health problems. A British product in development to help with this problem is Ode. A device that releases specific scents at specific times to remind people with dementia when to eat.

Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Ode{/a}
Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Ode{/a}

How It Works
Ode releases three different liquid scents in a mist that is strong but dissipates quickly to avoid lingering. Timing is set by easy to read slider controls that are color coded with the scents. Ode is small and portable and can be placed anywhere in the house as needed. Scent release times are recommended to be around meal times. For this purpose the scents can be of familiar foods that stimulate appetite. Below is a video that explains the design, development, and implementation of Ode.

Other Benefits
Other benefits of Ode include other memory triggering actions. Such as reminders to do other tasks like taking medicine. Scents can also trigger distant memories that bring out story telling and increases socializing.

Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Ode{/a}

Development & Contacts
Ode was developed under the Living well with dementia challenge that is run by Britain’s Design Council and Department of Health. The team that developed Ode include product designers, scent specialists, and dementia experts. Currently Ode is still in development and not available for purchase. However the team wants to hear from people the could benefit from Ode and be potential trial users. For more information visit their website at

Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Ode{/a}
Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}Ode{/a}