Open Twist Tops with the Easy Turn Cap

One of the biggest dilemmas of everyday life for people who have difficulty using their hands is openingĀ twist tops. Conditions like arthritis make the gripping and twisting motion a difficult task. A look down any kitchen supply aisle will have different gadgets available to help make opening tops easier. Another potential alternative is the ETC (Easy Turn Cap) by Ian Burns, a product design graduate from Ireland.

Like a Duck
ETC is shaped liked the webbed foot of a duck and made of high density polyethylene. The shape fits well with a hand palm and fingers. Giving a larger surface for ergonomic gripping makes for easier opening. On the bottom is a circle opening that can go over the cap to open or go over the bottle opening itself.

ETC would require some gripping and strength so it wouldn’t be for people who have severe hand limitations. There are a few suggestions I would make to the design.The shape could be a bit more curvy and ergonomic in the hand palm area. Something like a computer mouse shape would work. Also a hole that went all the way through would help with poking out a bottle cap that might get stuck after opening. A flap at the top could then be added to close the hole when ETC is being used as a lid. To see more more of Ian Burns’s portfolio visit this website.