Oxy-Iso | Colorblindness Reducing Glasses
In the movie Little Miss Sunshine, there’s a point in the movie where the son who wants to be a pilot realizes he can’t be because he is colorblind. Which is a reminder that while not a “major” disability, colorblindness can still affect lives. My best friend for example is colorblind and has to remember while driving that the top light is red and the bottom light is green. So there can be safety issues and career limitations associated with colorblindness. For those with red-green colorblindness, a new pair of glasses can help them distinguish the two colors. The Oxy-Iso by O2Amp are colorblindness reducing glasses available now.
Original Purpose
However the original intention of the Oxy-Iso glasses was not colorblindness reduction. Spearheaded by scientist Mark Changizi, he originally designed the glasses to help people better detect blood oxygenation and pooling under the skin. Advantages of this can be used in medical and security settings. Medical personnel can better see veins when getting blood and see bruising that might not yet be seen with the naked eye. Security can use the glasses to pick out people who appear to be nervous as blood rushes to the faces.
But Wait, There’s More!
During testing trails, Changizi and his team decided to see if the Oxy-Iso could also help with colorblindness. They gave the glasses to people with red-green colorblindness and the response was positive. But there are some drawbacks. The glasses work by filtering out other lights so yellows and greens are harder to see. So not a colorblindness cure but they can definitely be used in situational purposes.
![Image: O2Amp](https://www.universaldesignstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Oxy2.jpg)
Other Products
Besides the Oxy-Iso, O2Amp has developed other glasses that focus on other colors. These do not help with colorblindness however. Another project they’re working on are lights that function the same as the glasses. This way a room can be filled with filtered light and no glasses are required.
![Image: O2Amp](https://www.universaldesignstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Oxy1.jpg)
Changizi developed the Oxy-Iso based on his theory that human evolved to see red colors to detect emotions. Such as when a person’s face blushes. A characteristic unique to humans. Watch the video below to see him explain his theory and the development of the glasses. For more on the Oxy-Iso glasses visit O2Amp.com.