Plugnetic | Easy to Use Electrical Outlet Adapter

Despite living in an increasingly wireless world, we still rely quite a bit on plugs and electrical outlets. In fact we plug in chargers to charge our wireless devices. The physical act of pushing a plug into an outlet does require a certain amount of hand dexterity and outlets can sometimes be hard to reach from a wheelchair. To make this process easier, recent Industrial Design graduate Andrew Warner of the UK, designed the Plugnetic concept. An electrical outlet adapter that makes plugging and unplugging simple and easy.
Two Become One
Plugnetic is actually two adapters that work together. (Note that the pictures reflect UK outlets and plugs) One adapter plugs into the wall outlet while the other adapter takes in the plug. The adapters have male and female ends (actual technical terms) that then connect together.

Easy Does It
With the use of magnets, the adapters come together without the need to grasp and push. Making plugging and unplugging an easier task for people who have difficulty using their hands. Wheelchair users could also find Plugnetic useful when using outlets that are low to the ground. Or even for people who cannot squat for long periods of time.

Plugnetic is a neat little design that makes an everyday task a little easier. To see more of Andrew Warner’s portfolio click on this link.