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Power Assisted Manual Wheelchair Attachment by Yamaha

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Yamaha JWX-2
Image: Via Response

Since I’ve started this blog I’ve written about a couple of concept manual wheelchairs that would have power assistance when needed. Both the Solo and Mobi concept wheelchairs had this feature in their design. Little did I know when I wrote those articles that technology would make this feature a reality. Not only that, but the technology could be added to many existing manual wheelchairs. Introducing the JWX-2 by Yamaha, a power assisted manual wheelchair attachment.

Hubba Hubba
The JWX-2’s main components are the side wheels with built-in motorsĀ  at the hub. A previous version had a motor with protrusions that was not compatible with some wheelchairs. The current version has a flat pillbox shape and can be installed onto many existing manual wheelchairs. A battery is then mounted behind the chair and plugs into the wheels.

Yamaha JWX-2
Image: Via Response

Power Customization
With the push of a button between the seat and wheel, the JWX-2 is activated. The force needed to move the wheelchair is then reduced and the user can move up hills or thick carpet easier. A computer program called JW Smart Tune can then be connected to the JWX-2 to calibrate the force needed for each wheel. This way if a person has different strength in each arm, the force needed can be raised or reduced for each wheel. Making moving in a straight line an easier task.

Yamaha JWX-2
Image: Via Response

Yamaha plans to release the JWX-2 sometime in 2013 although they don’t have a set price yet. I assume it’ll only be available in Japan at first but if things go well the JWX-2 should be made available in other countries. To see this device in action watch the video below.