PR2 Robot Caretakers

Say hello to the PR2, a robot that is more than likely a glimpse into the future. Looking a bit like a modernized version of Number 5 from Short Circuit, PR2 is designed to further robotics help for humans on a personal level. Created by robotics think tank Willow Garage, the PR2 robot actually starts out as a blank slate. Programmers then write software to have PR2 perform certain tasks. Currently Georgia Tech’s Healthcare Robotics Lab is finding ways to have PR2 help people with disabilities.

PR2 is a very complex piece of technology with dozens of features but I’ll highlight the layman ones. The robot consists of a body, arms, grasps (hands), and cameras. Cameras in the head can scan the space around it in a 3D way. This way PR2 can navigate its way around objects and spaces. The cameras can also recognize objects in front of the robot that can then be interacted with using the arms and grasps. The arms themselves are very nimble with many joints that can bend and spin in virtually any direction. Sensors in the grasps and arm signal back to the software so that the correct and intended pressure is used. The torso can also raise and lower to change height.

Helping Hand
The video above is of a testing session with a PR2 and Henry, who became quadriplegic after having a stroke over 10 years ago. During the session, Henry is able to use the PR2 to scratch himself and shave. Something he had not been able to do independently. He also is able to control PR2 remotely to pick up and put items away.
Wait There’s More
Other possible tasks PR2 could do to help people with disabilities is pretty endless. Anything from helping around the house to medical care to entertainment (a group programmed a pool playing PR2). The video above shows one potential use, retrieving items from the refrigerator. Specifically some beers.
Robotics For All
Right now the robotics and software technology with PR2 is really in its infancy. As you can tell from the videos the tasks take quite awhile to achieve. But Willow Garage really wanted PR2 to be used as a tool to further the robotics movement. Which is why their software is open source (free for anyone to use) and they even gave eleven PR2s to research institutions for free. If you want your own you can buy one, you just need to pay $400,000.

Conclusion and Don’t Program Skynet
PR2 is an exciting piece of technology that will someday be a normal part of society. Which is a good thing as long as the robots don’t become self aware! For more information on PR2 visit For more information on Georgia Tech’s Healthcare Robotics Lab visit this link.