Racing Handcycle for Wounded Veterans by GM and Michigan Tech

After veterans come back home from battle with wounded bodies, the transition to a new normal can be a journey full of ups and downs. For many, the routine of staying active and fit is a way for them to hold onto their old normal in a new way. There are many great organizations and programs that help veterans stay active and keep their minds set on goals. One organization that does this is Achilles International and their Freedom Team of Wounded Veterans. Recently they teamed up with General Motors (GM) and Michigan Tech to design and develop an improved racing handcycle.

Looking for Improvement
The handcycle itself look similar to other handcycles currently available. There is the long three-wheeled frame and handles that are used to crank the gears. But there are some areas that the teams wanted to improve upon. Here is how a GM article describes it:
Stronger, as well as more comfortable, durable and portable than current commercially available cycles, the cycle was designed by Michigan Tech mechanical engineering students as part of a senior project named Huskies Helping Heroes. Sponsored by GM and mentored by Chevrolet engineers and Michigan Tech faculty, the students spent time with the wounded veterans to observe their competitions and design a cycle that meets their needs.

What’s New
For strength and durability, the handcycle frame was made of high-strength steel alloys. This keeps the frame rigid and prevents flexing movement while racing. Added comfort was done by making the handcycle adjustable to fit many different bodies with different disabilities. Adjustments included a sliding seat with an adjustable angle back. By making the handcycle’s overall length shorter and adding a hinge, portability was increased. The handcycle can be folded basically in half and stowed away in a trunk.

The teams plan on making 10 prototype handcycles for now to be used by veterans in races with distances up to marathons. At this past week’s Army-Navy football game, the new handcycle was displayed and brought out onto the field. The video below is of a commercial that ran during the game which features the handcycle. For more on this racing handcycle visit this link.