Revolights | Wheelchair Lights Potential

In the city I live in there are weekly bicycle group rides at night and a yearly late night ride through the city. At each event lights are required for safety. Reasons are to see and to be seen by others. A new and revolutionary (pun intended) product will soon be available to bicyclists and their lighting needs. Revolights are LEDs that wrap around the rim of a bicycle wheel. But they can do more than just shine, the lights project forward and backwards based on the wheel’s movement. Since wheelchairs have wheels similar to bicycles, Revolights could potentially work as wheelchair lights.
Revolights. Join the revolution. from revolights on Vimeo.
Wheel of Light
Revolights begin as a series of LEDÂ lights on a string that clip onto the wheel rim. A magnet is then mounted on the bike frame where the LEDs pass by. Everything is powered by lithium-ion batteries that are housed near the hub of the wheel. As the lights pass by the magnet, orientation and direction is determined. At which point the lights will blink in a way where only the front or back half of the wheel is illuminated. When standing still the lights will have a steady blinking pattern going all the way around. This is all done with an accelerometer and other neat technology.

Red and White
The lights for the front wheel are white while the rear wheel lights are red. White light in the front helps give the rider an illuminated path. While the red rear lights are to let drivers and other people know a bicycle is in the vicinity.

Wheelchair Adaptation
While Revolights are made specifically for bicycle wheels and rims, they could be incorporated for wheelchair wheels. With wheelchairs though, a choice between the white and red lights would have to be made. I might lean towards red for the “seen by others” reason. Although it might be possible to have both sets of lights on one wheel. Giving a white light front half and a red back half.

At night everyone should use precaution and safety. Whether they be bicyclists, pedestrians, or wheelchair users. When going out for a night stroll or exercise run/roll, safety needs to be considered. Revolights might be an option in that category. For more on Revolights visit their website or their Facebook page.