Rubber Surfaced Wheelchair Ramps by Rubaroc

For the most part, wheelchair ramps are made of either wood or concrete. Both of which work just fine and can look great at the same time. But with any material there are some minor drawbacks. Wood is weather susceptible and can warp and crack over time. Concrete is strong but the surface is very hard and is abrasive on skin. Another option is a rubberized surface that is soft, durable, slip resistant, and potentially colorful. One company that does this and has done some stylish wheelchair ramps is Rubaroc.

Rubaroc is a surface material that consists of tiny colored rubber particles and polymer resins. This mixture is troweled out evenly onto a surface. The rubber and resins are made to be both flexible and durable. Meaning it will shrink and expand with changing temperatures without loss of quality. Once installed, the surface has a nice grip yet is soft and cushiony.

Accessible Usages
This makes for a good surface for wheelchair ramps because it’s firm and grippable with no seams. Yet is also a smooth surface that is easy on the wheels. Being waterproof, Rubaroc has also been used on swimming pool ramps as can be seen below. Playgrounds are another great place for installation. Again giving a wheelchair friendly surface that is also child friendly. Important now that playgrounds are clearly included in the ADA Standards.

Adding Style
What’s really nice about Rubaroc is the flexibility in adding color and design. Many different colors are available that can be arranged in different patterns and logos. Examples on their website show dolphins, nautical stars, and a Ford logo.

Rubaroc is a nice alternative for a wheelchair ramp surface from wood and concrete. Safe and functional while also giving design options. For more information on Rubaroc and to see more examples visit