
San Luis Wheelchair Accessible Kitchen

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Image: {a href=”” target=”_blank”}San Luis Kitchen Company{/a}

At my work, we focus on modifying entrances and bathrooms. That way a person can get in and out of their home and use the bathroom as independently as possible. Unfortunately because of priority and limited resources we are not able to do accessible kitchen modifications. Which is too bad because the kitchen has become the heart of the home where food and social interaction occurs. So I always enjoy looking at accessible kitchens that are done correctly and stylishly. Which is what this wheelchair accessible kitchen by San Luis Kitchen Company of California accomplishes.

Lower Features
The obvious wheelchair accessible features are the roll-under counter spaces. One below the gas stove top, one below the sink, and another off to the side at a lowered counter. Below the stove top and sink are angled cabinetry for additional storage space. Also notice how the bottoms of the lower cabinets are higher off the floor than standards cabinets. That’s to give space for wheelchair footrests.

Mirror Mirror
Above the stove top is another accessible feature that is not seen all that often. It’s a mirror that’s angled so you can see what’s inside a pot from a wheelchair angle. This way a wheelchair user can see how the food looks while it’s cooking.

Other Features
You’ll also see how the oven is built into the lower cabinetry. Really not any more or less accessible than a standard oven but still useable for a wheelchair user. Below the oven is another storage drawer. To the side of the oven is the roll-under counter. A space that can be used for prep work or paperwork. At the back wall are outlets that are also lower and within wheelchair arm reach.

The wheelchair accessible features of this kitchen are noticeable but not obvious. Really everything just looks like it belongs together. The kitchen is not overly luxurious or cutting edge, but looks like a quality kitchen that’s welcoming. To see more of San Luis Kitchen Company’s work, visit