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Scanadu | Medical Diagnosis to Your Smartphone

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Image: Scanadu

WebMD has become a popular and useful online tool for the public to get quick info on what ails them. An advanced and portable version of this concept is now being developed. Scanadu is a series of devices and smartphone software that can check vital signs, give diagnoses, and more.

Vital Piece
The main device of Scanadu is called Scout. This is a handheld device that when held up to the temple, can give instant vital signs. Vital signs that can be measured include:

• Pulse transit time
• Heart rate (pulse rate)
• Electrical heart activity
• Temperature
• Heart rate variability
• Blood oxygenation (pulse oximetry)

Image: Scanadu

Giving the News
Given these vital signs, the software can give a diagnosis and instructions of what to do next. If medical attention by a professional is needed, a map to the closest medical facility is given.

Image: Scanadu

Medical Team
Besides the Scout, Scanadu can utilize other devices to gather further information. For skin and other visual conditions, a tiny camera can be used for analysis by the software. ScanaFlo is a disposable urine analysis tool that can used to detect any abnormalities in the urine. ScanaFlu is another disposable device that is used to test saliva for any diseases. Finally an analysis sticker can be placed on the neck for continuous vital sign tracking. Again with all of these, the software can analyze the info and give a diagnosis along with instructions.

Image: Scanadu

Medical Records
All of the vitals collected by the software can be stored and charted for historical analysis. Giving the user and medical professionals information to better notice any irregular patterns. Another feature of Scanadu is realtime warnings of any disease outbreaks nearby. So extra precaution can be implemented before going out.

Scanadu plans to be available for purchase in 2013 for around $150. Complete accuracy of the information Scanadu is yet to be seen but hopefully follows through. Watch the promo video above to see what Scanadu can possibly do and visit for more information. Now I’m just waiting for a newer add featuring Olivia Newton-John.