Solo | Electrically Assisted Concept Wheelchair

For the most part, wheelchairs come in two basic styles, manual and electric. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Manual wheelchairs are time tested, simple to use, and can be folded for transport. However they require upper body strength and long trips or steep inclines can tire out the arms. Electric wheelchairs require no upper body exertion. However they are heavy and not near as easy to transport. Industrial design student Oystein Husby combined the benefits of both types of wheelchairs and designed the Solo concept wheelchair.

Husby created a wheelchair that is intended for those who prefer the manual wheelchair look and feel. Though when needed, electrical assistance can kick in with the flip of a switch. Giving the wheelchair user an extra push. Power is stored in the wheel axle area with a rechargeable lithium battery. Recharging is done with KERS (Kinetic energy recovery system) technology. Basically when going down hill, the energy created from braking is sent to the battery. When going uphill, the brakes will automatically if stop to prevent rolling backwards.

When ready for transport, the Solo wheelchair breaks down for easy transport. The wheels come off and then the seat and back fold together. The seat and back themselves are mesh and based off of ergonomic mesh office chairs. For some added comfort I would add some armrests to the design. Also if you’ve read my previous articles on other concept wheelchairs, I always point out that footrests need something to keep feet in place. That point applies to the Solo also. Those are minor complaints though for a great concept idea. Solo is sporty in its look and perfect for those who prefer a manual wheelchair but might like the extra help when needed. To view more of Husby’s designs visit his website at