Turn a Normal Chair Into a Wheelchair with Wheel+Chair

People with disabilities that live in developing countries do not always have access to equipment that can assist them with their disability. Wheelchairs in particular can be extremely beneficial yet hard to get or make. Having the ability to travel from place to place gives a person independence and a social connection to the world. Organizations like Whirlwind Wheelchair International are trying to provide reliable wheelchairs to those in need in developing countries. Though their reach can only go so far and their needs to be other options. One proposed idea comes from students and their professor from Zhejiang University. Professor Ying Fangtian and students Sun Xin, Peng Junjie, Luo Zhening, Gu Shirong, Qiu Yiwu, and Wu Tianyu designed the Red Dot award winning Wheel+Chair. A concept that can turn a standard chair into a wheelchair with only a few easy to assemble parts.

Wheel+Chair consists of two side wheels, a front wheel, a few metal bars, and joint connections. With just a few steps, all the parts are secured onto an existing chair. The side wheels and bars connect to the tops of all four legs and the base of the back. Stable connections at the tops of all four legs and the base of the back gives stability and distributes weight to the side wheels. Balancing the chair out is a front wheel that is connected to a horizontal bar between the bottom of the front legs. All of the Wheel+Chair parts can fit into a packing box just slightly larger than the two side wheels.

The Wheel+Chair concept is so simple that people in developing countries could actually make their own version now with readily available materials. Comfort and maneuverability may not be the best but could be the best and most affordable option available. Even in developed nations, Wheel+Chair could have some usefulness. People who need a wheelchair only temporarily while recovering from an injury could use this instead of purchasing a full wheelchair. Being small and easy to transport, Wheel+Chair can also be used for trips. Wheel+Chair is a great concept that can be implemented now an help people around the world.