
Universal Design Style Will Be Back … Soon

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Well what was initially thought to be a short break from blogging has turned into a longer than anticipated one. A new job, a busy summer, and being on active organizational boards has delayed my return to blogging.

First the new job is doing great and I still get to help people in need which feels good. Though no longer my main focus, universal and accessible design will still be a part of my job. However the job requires more of my time which means less time for blogging. I still plan to feature amazing design and technology that applies to universal and accessible design but it’ll be different than from what I’ve been doing.

I just don’t have the time to research something, then write an article, then publish nearly everyday like I was. Instead the features will be mostly pictures with a descriptive blurb and applicable links. And there may be days where I just won’t have time to post anything. But the blog will continue and I hope you all still find inspiration and usefulness from visiting. Plan for a return sometime this September.