Universal Design Style Year End Top 10: New Tech
Every year technology advances at an accelerating pace. Obviously 2012 was no exception and there was a lot that benefits the universal design world. Here are the top ten new technology features from the blog. Again in order from newest article to oldest.

10. BeBionic 3 Prosthetic Hand
A Skywalker like hand prosthetic with 14 different hand grips.

9. WREX Children’s Exoskeleton
3D printed exoskeleton to help children with muscle difficulties move on their own.

8. Bio-Retina Eye Microchip
This tiny microchip implanted at the back of the eye can bring sight to the visually impaired.

7. PR2 Robot
A programmable robot that was used by Georgia Tech to create ways to help people with disabilities.
6. Thought Controlled Robot Arm
Robot arm that quadriplegics can control with just their thoughts.

5. Captioning Movie Theater Devices
Going to the movie theater with low hassle captioning is easier with these new devices.
4. Self Driving Google Car
Using a numerous sensors and mapping software, this car can drive itself around town.

3. 3D Bio-Printing
Instead of prosthetics and donated organs, someday we might be able to just print them out.

2. Tongue Controlled Electric Wheelchair
Control of an electric wheelchair can be done with just a tongue and sensors in the mouth.

1. Balance Beam Grab Bar
A grab bar and touch lamp are combined into one for this multi-function grab bar.
BONUS: Great Apps
– OnTheBus
– wsTimer