Water Bottle to Bidet with Hygienna Solo

Yes you read that headline correctly. Turn a plastic water bottle or pop (soda) bottle into a portable bidet. And no this is not a concept design but something you can purchase now. Hygienna of Toronto is the creator of the Solo which quickly and simply turns bottles to bidets.

So why would you ever want to turn your water bottle into a bidet? Well there are some legitimate reasons. For some medical conditions, a bidet is preferred because it’s gentler than toilet paper. You may also be caught in a bind where the place you’re doing your business is lacking toilet paper. While traveling to some countries this can even save you money because they will charge for toilet paper. Or you’re just a person who has a personal preference for the bidet way.

The Solo is a simple hook shaped plastic nozzle that fits at the mouth of a water bottle. Fill your bottle with water, insert Solo at the top, then aim and squeeze. The male insert end has two rubber washers to form a tight fit an seal. The slot at the other end is shaped so the water comes out in a concentrated stream. Has the wording made you blush yet?
For people in need of a portable bidet, this is a simple and low cost option. Solo costs $9.99 and comes in pink and teal (baby blue). I would just recommend having separate and labeled bottle that’s specifically for bidet use! For more information on Hygienna’s Solo or to order, visit their website at Hygienna.myshopify.com.