Wheelchair Accessible Pool by Tropical Pools and Pavers

Recently there’s been a lot of talk and controversy regarding the new ADA Design Standards and swimming pools. Basically regarding in what time frame hotels and other businesses must have their pools be accessible via lifts or ramps. I’m not going to delve into that issue (though I do think businesses have had enough time to prepare) but show how a wheelchair accessible pool can be stylish looking. A great example is this custom made swimming pool and hot tub by Tropical Pools and Pavers of Clearwater, Florida.
Ramps & Lifts
Making a swimming pool accessible for people with disabilities usually consists of two methods; ramps and lifts. Ramps allow a person to stay in a wheelchair and ease into the pool. However, modifying an existing pool with a ramp is not practical. For existing pools, a lift mounted to the side of the pool maybe the only option. Although this method does involve transferring to a seat or using a patient (Hoyer) lift sling.
The Ramp
This swimming pool and hot tub setup by Tropical Pools and Pavers utilizes both a ramp and a lift. The ramp is ADA compliant with the correct slope and handrails. Located along one side, the ramp blends in with the curves of the pool. A series of pictures of a growing turtle add a touch art to the ramp surface. Palm tree art is located in the center of the pool to add an even more tropical feel.

The Lift
In the back is the hot tub built along the edge of the pool. Next to it is the lift which can work in conjunction with the hot tub and the pool. Making for a very accessible swimming pool and hot tub.
With the rock waterfall and glass enclosure, this swimming pool and hot tub setup is beautiful and functional. To see more of Tropical Pools and Pavers’s projects, visit their website at www.TropicalPoolsAndPavers.com.