MobilityNew Tech

wsTimer | Wheelchair Weight Shifting App

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wsTimer App
Image: {a href="" target="_blank"}TRWeaver{/a}

This article is about a free iphone app that helps remind wheelchair users to shift their weight on a regular schedule to prevent skin damage. But I want to start with the story of why this app was made. The developer Timothy Weaver (TRWeaver), has a nephew who was involved in a car accident last year that led to him becoming a C6 quadriplegic. While visiting the rehab facility, Weaver learned that his nephew and others there needed to shift their weight every 30 minutes for 5 minutes. This prevents problems such as pressure sores and promotes circulation. Throughout a whole day that can be difficult and tedious to constantly remember. Weaver then developed the wsTimer app to give simple reminders of when to do wheelchair weight shifting. I also want to mention that Weaver created a great website to benefit his nephew . On the website there are organized rides/runs to benefit his nephew and stories of the caring people involved.

Now let’s talk about the app itself. wsTimer is simple in it’s function but very well designed. The user simply sets the time intervals between shifts and the duration of the shifts. The app will give sounds and messages, or just sounds to alert the user when to start and stop weight shifts. wsTimer can also be run in background mode. I downloaded the app on my iphone to test and it works as described. Again the wsTimer is free because Weaver has been kind enough to offer the app for the benefit of those who could use it. So I would encourage everyone to visit the website for nephew to learn more on how you might be able to help with .