Zento and Free Go | Luminous Door Handles

In the invention and design world, little changes to existing products can make big differences. Such as shovels that added a simple curve for better ergonomics. Another case is the lever door handle. In essence it’s still a doorknob but with a protruding piece. This simple change makes opening a door easier for all. People who have difficulty gripping their hands because of arthritis or other conditions can better operate a lever over a knob. Now another simple change to the lever door handle has been made by F.ll Razeto & Casareto. Lever door handles with colored glowing lights.

Why is a light in a door handle important? Well, for people with low vision, being able to find a door handle quickly is an issue of convenience and safety. A late night trip to the bathroom can be aided with a guiding light. Since eyesight and color reception fades as we age, this can be a beneficial again in place product.
F.ll Razeto & Casareto makes two main styles of luminous lever door handles, Zento and Free Go. Zento door handles are white with a lighted circle at the cylinder. Colors available include primary and secondary colors. Which can be used to go with the color scheme of the space use.

Free Go door handles are basically the opposite of the Zento. Here the extended lever part is lit up. This part is curvier in shape while the Zento is more straight line. Shiny metal then makes up the rest of the Free Go.

F.ll Razeto & Casareto is at its core a shipbuilding supplier in Italy. Though these luminous door handles can be used on land based doors also. Looks wise these door handles are minimalistic, bright, and modern. So they won’t fit into every decor such as historic remodels. But their look and function shouldn’t have a problem finding homes. Hooked end levers would add additional accessibility by preventing hands from slipping off. But these weren’t designed specifically for accessibility. To see more of F.ll Razeto & Casareto’s products, visit their website here, www.razetocasareto.com.